Luxembourgish wines are
The region, people and tradition shape the product: wine. In our globalized world, the indication of origin is becoming more important again, emerging as more of an antithesis to the technically and often excellently produced but soulless wines, from all over the world.
Our terroir shapes our wines. Our tradition and strength are based on the unique character of our origin. One of the central keys to guarantee
the quality of our wines for the future, is the orientation towards the internationally recognised « principle of origin », which also forms the basis
of the European wine market reform.

quality grapes
Grapes for Premier Cru wines, Grand Premier Cru wines and for Crémant of Luxembourg are harvested by hand. Grand Premier Cru wines are also known as "Terroir" wines, defined by the vineyard, low yields, selective manual harvest, as well as cultivation in harmony with nature.

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The quality in the bottle originates in the vineyards.
Knowledge of the natural processes as well as the utmost foliage and soil care are the prerequisites to the production of a premium wine. Pruning is the first step to grape yield regulation. Coordinated soil and foliage
work help the vines to grow and mature under optimal conditions through the entire vegetation period. The high point for all vintners is undoubtedly the grape harvest. They broach this last operation with great joy and hope, because they are now going to be rewarded for the many arduous stages during the vegetation
period. The grapes are fully ripe, brightly colored and taste very sweet. If the ripening parameters sugar and acidity correspond to the ideal values, then vinification can get under way.